
Research Approvals Processes for the Five Federally-Recognized Tribes in Idaho

Coeur d’Alene Tribe’s Research Approval Process

The Coeur d’Alene Tribe have their own Institutional Research Board and an application process for approving research, operating under their Department of Education. They have several resource documents outlining the process, including:

Nez Perce Tribe’s Research Approval Process

The agency at the Nez Perce Tribes engaged in research approvals is Natural Resources . You will need to have a Tribal sponsor for the research before applying. The process for obtaining written permit for research, including information on deadlines and formats for proposals/prospectus and fees, is outlined in the Research Permit Sign-Off Sheet.

Shoshone-Bannock Tribes’ Research Approvals Process

The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes is currently in the process of formalizing a process to review and approve research proposals. Their current proposal is pending approval by the Tribal Business Council. Once that proposal is finalized, we will add that process description and contact information for Research Approval Committee personnel to this training.

To submit a research proposal to the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, you will need to meet with the Tribal Business Council to have the research approved by resolution. This often takes several months and several meetings with the Council. It very much helps to have a Tribal personnel representative engaged in the research and to offer support for the proposal.


Information about research approvals for the other federally-recognized Native nations in Idaho will be added in future, as that information becomes available.


Planning Collaborative Research with Native American Communities Copyright © by Tribal University Advisory Board Research and Cultural Preservation Subcommittee. All Rights Reserved.

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