Book Title: Booky McBookface
Subtitle: A Pressbooks Tutorial and Sandbox

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Book Description: As its silly title suggests, this resource aims to provide a quick and playful introduction to Pressbooks's editing interface. Initially designed for student editors, it's proven to work equally well with faculty and staff.
Book Information
Book Description
As its silly title suggests, this resource aims to provide a quick and playful introduction to Pressbooks’s editing interface. Initially designed for novice student editors, it’s proven to work equally well with faculty and staff. Its “online icebreaker” activity is intended to be used in synchronous sessions, with each participant editing their own “part” in the copy you create. A “README”-style section covers pedagogical, privacy, and process considerations for Pressbooks administrators or trainers interested in using this resource.
Booky McBookface Copyright © 2022 by Ryan P. Randall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.