
16 Activity: Hearing Loss Profiles

Suppose you tested the hearing of many, many hearing aid users and then asked them about how much difficulty they experience in different communication situations. Then you categorized their hearing thresholds into reasonably exclusive groups and average their self-report information.

Take a look at the hearing loss, then go look at the profile of people with that degree and configuration of hearing loss in terms of satisfaction, benefit, etc.

Sloping hearing loss profile 1

Hearing loss profile for sloping 1 audiogramSloping hearing loss profile #1

Sloping hearing loss profile 2

Hearing loss profile for sloping 2 audiogramSloping hearing loss profile #2

Flat hearing loss profile 1

Hearing loss profile for flat 1 audiogramFlat hearing loss profile #1

Flat hearing loss profile 2

Hearing loss profile for flat 2 audiogramFlat hearing loss profile #2

Precipitous hearing loss profile 1

Hearing loss profile for precipitous 1 audiogramPrecipitous hearing loss #1

Precipitous hearing loss profile 2

Hearing loss profile for precipitous 2 audiogramPrecipitous hearing loss #2

4000 Hz hearing loss profile 1

Hearing loss profile for 4k 1 audiogram4000 Hz notch audiogram #2

4000 Hz hearing loss profile 2

Hearing loss profile for 4k 2 audiogram4000 Hz notch audiogram #1