
Chapter 14 Streams and Floods

14.6 Surface Water in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

The water flowing through Yellowstone and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) is a vital national resource. The headwaters of seven great rivers located here flow from the Continental Divide across the nation to the Pacific Ocean, and the gulfs of California and Mexico. Rain and snow in the mountains and plateaus of the Northern Rockies flow through stream and river networks to provide essential moisture to much of the American West. Together, Yellowstone’s streams and rivers support an abundance of fish and wildlife, provide numerous recreational opportunities, and offer a lifeline for downstream agricultural users and municipalities.

Water also drives the complex geothermal activity in the region and fuels the largest collection of geysers on Earth. Precipitation and groundwater seep down into geothermal “plumbing” over days, and millennia, to be superheated by the Yellowstone Volcano and rise to the surface in the form of hot springs, geysers, mudpots, and fumaroles. Yellowstone contains some of the most significant, near-pristine aquatic ecosystems found in the United States. More than 600 lakes and ponds comprise approximately 107,000 surface acres in Yellowstone—94 percent of which can be attributed to Yellowstone, Lewis, Shoshone, and Heart lakes. Some 1,000 rivers and streams make up approximately 2,500 miles of running water. Thousands of small wetlands—habitats that are intermittently wet and dry—make up a small (approximately 3%), a fraction of the Yellowstone landscape.

Table 14.x Waters of Yellowstone
Area of Yellowstone National Park 3,472 mi2 (8,991 km2)
Water surface area2,3 ~5% of park area
Number named lakes1 150
Surface area of named lakes1 24.7 mi2 (63.9 km2)
Number of lakes with fish2 ~45
Number of named streams3 278
Total stream length3 2,172.52 mi (3,496,329 m)
Number of streams with fish2 ~200
1Yellowstone Spatial Analysis Center Data, 2Varley and Schullery 1998, 3GRYN Water Quality Report 2009

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Dynamic Earth Through the Lens of Yellowstone Copyright © 2019 by Steven Earle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.