
Content Retention Policy

Content Retention Policy

We recognize that ISU Pressbooks users may move on from the university, whether they are students that graduate or faculty or staff members that take a job elsewhere. ISU Pressbooks administrators will make their best effort to maintain the content on this Pressbooks platform in accordance with the wishes of the departing user.

When a user departs from ISU, their user account will be de-activated. Departing users will be responsible for making their own copy of any Pressbooks content before leaving the university.

After a user has left ISU, if they do not provide information about what should happen to their content, the future of their content on the platform becomes the decision of the Pressbooks network administrators. If the administrators see fit to remove any Pressbooks content, before making it “private” or deleting it, they will take the following actions:

  • Administrators will attempt to contact the departed content owner/creators via any contact information on file for that user.
  • After 6 months without any response from the departed content owners/creators, and without further instructions from that user or any evidence of their preferences, the administrators will take the following actions:
    • For content that has a Creative Commons license:
      • If the user does not respond with instructions, the administrators will take no immediate action when a user account is deleted: the editing rights will shift to the administrators, and the content will remain up on the platform so long as the administrators deem it has value to the public. 
      • Google Analytics access information for the content may be used to determine whether it still has value to the public.
      • If Pressbooks administrators delete content from the ISU Pressbooks platform (e.g. due to Pressbooks storage limits), they will make their best effort to maintain a copy of the deleted content internally (via systems such as Box or Google Drive), should it be requested later by the content creator.
    • For content under all rights reserved copyright:
      • Upon the deletion of the user account, without further instructions from the user, we will change the status of the content to “private” so that it cannot be accessed by the public.
      • A copy of the content will be emailed to the last known email address for the user.
      • If the content must be removed from Pressbooks (e.g. due to storage limits), Pressbooks administrators will make their best effort to maintain a copy of the deleted content internally (via systems such as Box or Google Drive), should it be requested later by the content creator.